Loan for housing deposit (beboerindskud)

If you are moving into public housing in the City of Copenhagen, you can apply for a loan to pay a housing deposit here.

Apply for housing deposit loan

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You can apply at your municipality for a loan to pay for a deposit when you move into a new flat. It requires that you meet the following requirements:

  • You have a documented need to move.
  • You are moving into public housing, e.g. public housing for elderly, a public apartment, public youth housing with its own kitchen or a room in a non-profit housing association. If you are in doubt as to whether your new home is public housing, you can contact the housing association.
  • The home was built and inhabited after 1 April 1964. You can check the year of construction at in the menu under BBR. In the case of municipally designated housing for elderly in general residential construction, the City of Copenhagen disregards the year of construction.
  • Your new home is located in the City of Copenhagen. If the apartment is in another municipality, you need to apply for a loan in the municipality you wish to move to.
  • Your household income must not exceed the following: 
    • If moving into an apartment, your total household income cannot exceed DKK 277,956 (2024) per year. If there are children in the household, this amount is increased by DKK 48,700 (2024) for each child up to and including four children.
    • If moving into a single room, your total household income cannot exceed DKK 188,294 (2024) per year. If there are children in the household, this amount is increased by DKK 48,700 (2024) for each child up to and including four children.

You can apply for a loan for housing deposit via the application in the box above. If you are exempt from Digital Post or if you do not have access to the digital platform, you can book an appointment in Copenhagen Citizen Service at or on tel. 33 66 33 66.

Please note that a copy of your lease must be attached when you apply. It is not possible to make a decision in your case before we receive this.

You can contact your housing association to get a copy of the lease.

Please note that the processing time is approximately 2 weeks, if the case is fully explained upon receipt.

You are always welcome to contact us, if you are in doubt as to whether you meet the conditions for getting a loan to pay for housing deposit or have any questions about repayment.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

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What is a housing deposit?

As a tenant, you must typically pay a lump sum when moving into a new home. The housing deposit is the one-off amount that you pay when you move into public housing. The housing deposit is the landlord's assurance that you will hand over the room/apartment in the same condition as you received it and in the condition you have agreed upon in your contract. The landlord will deduct the costs for repair of eventual damage and/or cleaning of your lease from your deposit. 

What is the difference between a housing deposit and deposit?

A housing deposit is the one-off amount you pay when you move into public housing. If the housing organisation is not a non-profit housing association, but, for example, a private landlord, this lump sum is called a deposit.

You can only apply for a loan to pay a regular deposit, if you are moving due to urban renewal or re-development, or if you are a refugee and your residence permit is less than three years old.

How much can I borrow?

You can borrow for the entire housing deposit, but not for the prepaid rent.

How do I figure out, if my new flat or room is categorised as public housing?

If you are in doubt as to whether your new home is categorised as public housing, you can ask your housing association or landlord.

As a general rule, if you are moving into a home that is owned by a public housing association, then you live in a public housing association. If you move into a flat or room that is owned by a private company or a private person, you are living privately.

You can find out who owns your home at

How do I find out when my housing was built?

You can see when the property was built and inhabited for the first time at in the menu under BBR. Alternatively, you can contact the housing association.

Please be aware that the City of Copenhagen disregards the year of construction for municipally designated housing for elderly in general housing. 

How do I calculate my total annual household income?

The total annual household income constitutes the taxable annual income (A-income) for all persons who move into the new home and who are above 18 years of age.

A taxable income can, for example, be salary (after AM-contribution of 8%), cash benefits (kontanthjælp), unemployment benefits (dagpenge), SU or supplementary pension benefits (folkepension). It can also be income of equity or interest earnings.

If you are in doubt, you can see your income at

Where can I get help in case of problems with the digital application?

If you have technical problems with the completion of the digital application, problems with attaching documents or you are not allowed to sign the loan document, you must contact Copenhagen Citizen Service on 3366 3366.

Reasons why you are not eligible

Even if you meet the requirements, in some cases your application for a housing deposit may be rejected. This can be due to for example:

  • You have debt from a previous housing deposit loan.
  • You have assets that we consider to be sufficient for you to pay the housing deposit yourself. It could be money or securities in the bank or if you own a house or a car.
  • We assess that your current home meets your family's needs.
  • We estimate that your new home is too large for the number of people who will live there.
  • Your new home's rent makes up more than half of your total household income.

What should I do, if my application was rejected and I would like to appeal?

If we assess that you do not meet the conditions for getting a loan, we will send you a rejection.

You have the opportunity to complain about the decision made. You can do this either in writing or orally within 4 weeks.

If we do not uphold your appeal, we will forward it to the Danish Appeals Board (Ankestyrelsen) together with our assessment of the case.

The City of Copenhagen have a Citizen Advisor (Borgerrådgiver) who can help if you wish to complain about the case handling.

Get more information here: Citizen Advisor ( 

You can also read more about appeal options here: Appeal options in Denmark (

Do I have other options for borrowing for housing deposits?

If you do not meet the conditions for borrowing for a housing deposit, you can look into whether you can:

How do I repay the loan?

You borrow the money from the City of Copenhagen, and you must therefore repay the loan. As a general rule, you do not have to pay interests and instalments for the first five years of the loan period.

If you stay in the home for which you have received the loan, you must start repaying the loan after five years. You will be charged the monthly output on top of your rent as long as you live in the property.

The repayment period is a maximum of 10 years. How quickly you must repay the loan depends on:

  • Your household income
  • Your assets
  • What kind of accommodation you live in

You can increase your monthly instalment at any time. Please contact us to hear more about your options to become debt free faster.

Please be aware that if you move out of the home for which you have obtained a loan, you must repay the loan immediately.

You can start repaying your loan as early as two months after you have moved into your new home. It is called a voluntary instalment, where you enter into an agreement with the City of Copenhagen regarding an early repayment of your loan. There are significant advantages for you in starting to repay the loan quickly, as you must pay less interest and can become debt-free faster.

We can help you set up an instalment plan of as little as DKK 100 per month.

Where can I keep an eye on the outstanding debt?

If you have started repaying your loan for a housing deposit, you can see your remaining debt on Mit Betalalingsoverblik.

Please be aware that your debt to the City of Copenhagen will not appear on Mit Betalingsoverblik until you start repaying the loan. You can contact us, if you would like to check up on your debt before starting your repayment.



Borups Allé 177

2400 København NV

Phone opening hours


09:30 - 14:30


09:30 - 14:30


09:30 - 14:30


09:30 - 14:30


09:30 - 13:00

If you have any questions regarding your application, please call 82564456. If you have questions regarding refunds, please call 70807032. Phone hours are Monday-Friday from 10-12.