Find your home in Copenhagen

We have gathered a list of housing types and links to housing websites to give you a good head start in Copenhagen.

Apartments and rooms are the most common rental options that can be found in Copenhagen. For long term rental, it is often easier to find 3-4 room apartments in newly-developed areas such as Sydhavn, Nordhavn and Ørestad compared to 1-2 room apartments.

You can also extend your search to neighbourhoods surrounding central Copenhagen (also known as the Greater Copenhagen region) to improve your chances of finding a place to live.

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Different types of housing

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Rooms (Værelse) and apartments (Lejlighed)

An apartment refers to an individual housing unit that is part of a building. It can be bought as an owner-occupied home (ejerbolig) or a housing cooperative (andelsbolig). An rented apartment is called "lejebolig" in Danish. 

A single room in a house or an apartment can be rented out as part of a flatshare. When you rent a single room, you usually share common spaces such as the kitchen and the bathroom with others. This is usually the most affordable way to rent a place in Copenhagen.

Housing portals and websites

You can search for rooms and apartments for rent using the internet where you can find many different estate agents and housing platforms. You are also encouraged to read ads in daily newspapers, local papers or special housing newspapers, sign up on a waiting list, place a notice in a supermarket (most of them have a board for ads) and use your network by asking friends, colleagues and acquaintances. If you are interested in public housing, you will need to contact the public housing organisations directly. You can find  a list of public housing organisations in the box below. 

Owner-occupied home (Ejerbolig)

Having an owner-occupied home (ejerbolig) means that you own the property once you have paid off the mortgage. You also have the right to rent it out. An owner-occupied home can also refer to a detached or semi-detached house.

Cooperative housing (Andelsbolig)

When you choose a cooperative housing unit, you pay for a share of the property and make a monthly payment to the cooperative housing association. The monthly payment is used to pay off the loan and maintenance costs of the property. 

Single-family house (Villa)

A villa is a single house which is not attached to other structures and it usually comes with a private garden.  

Terraced houses (Rækkehus)

A terraced house is joined together by the side walls to a row of similar houses. 

Housing associations (flexible renting)

You may be able to get an apartment faster (from 3 months and up) if you meet the conditions for flexible rental – (“fleksibel udlejning” in Danish).

In order to be eligible for flexible rental, you have to meet one of the following criteria:

  • You can document that you or a person in your household have a permanent job (min. 25 hours a week)
  • You are a young student admitted to an SU eligible education OR you are a student or apprentice, and you are part of a training agreement or have a valid apprenticeship contract.
  • You are a senior (62 years+) and want to move to a home that is more suitable for the elderly. 
  • You are divorced or no longer live with your boyfriend/girlfriend. In that case, it is a condition that you lived within the City of Copenhagen before your divorce/separation. 

Public housing

Public housing in Denmark ('almen bolig' in Danish) refers to non-profit housing designed to provide affordable housing for a wide range of people. You can find a list of public housing organisations here.
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