Cost of childcare (0-18 years)
The cost of childcare depends on your child's age and the type of childcare you choose.
Please make sure you are aware of the rules for income-based subsidy. If you have received a letter regarding a recalculation of your income-based subsidy, you can find more information about it here.
As of 1/1-25, the rate in all the municipality's institutions changes to the kindergarten rate on the 1st of the month in which the child turns 3 years and 1 month.
Cost for day nursery, public childminder and kindergarten
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Day nursery for children younger than 3 years
Day nursery and kindergarten for children younger than 3 years and 1 month: DKK 3,996 without lunch (2025) and DKK 4,708 with lunch included (2025).
Day nursery for children 3 years and older
Day nursery and kindergarten for children 3 years and 1 month and older: DKK 2,317 without lunch (2025), and DKK 3.120 including lunch (2025), from the 1st of the month your child turns 3 years and 1 month.
Public childminder for children younger than 3 years
Public childminder for children younger than 3 years and 1 month: DKK 3,987 including lunch (2025).
Public childminder for children 3 years and older
Public childminder for children 3 years and 1 month and older: DKK 3.120 including lunch (2025), from the 1st of the month your child turns 3 years and 1 month.
Fee for weekend care in day nursery and kindergarten
Weekend care at childcare services: Additional fee per day: Day nursery DKK 181, kindergarten DKK 139 (2025).
Fee for overnight care at day nursery and kindergarten
Overnight care at childcare services: Additional fee per month: DKK 431 (2025).
Overnight rate at childcare services per night (is charged in addition to the monthly additional fee for overnight care): DKK 109 (2025).
Monthly maximum (upper limit on charges for the overnight care additional fee and the overnight rate per night): DKK 1.028 (2025).
The rate for kindergarten in all public childcare services will change on the 1st day of the month in which your child turns 3 years and 1 month old.
Cost for after-school, after-school club and special after school institution
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After-school institution
After-school institution: DKK 1,949 (2025).
The month of July is payment-free.
Special after-school institution
Special after-school institution: DKK 1,949 (2025).
The month of July is payment-free.
After-school club
After-school club: DKK 463 (2025).
The month of July is payment-free.
Special after-school club
Special after-school club: DKK 463 (2025).
The month of July is payment-free.
Special youth club
Special youth club: DKK 81 (2025).
The month of July is payment-free.
Youth club (in Danish: UngeVærk)
Youth club (UngeVærk): DKK 0 (2025). There are no fees.
Sibling discount
If you have more than one child cared for by a public childminder, day nursery, kindergarten, after school institution, private childcare, or private childminder, you will automatically receive a sibling allowance. You pay full price for the most expensive place and half-price for the other places.
Rates when custody is shared
If you have shared custody of your children but do not live together with the other parent, the children will be viewed as siblings at the parent where they are registered at the Civil Registration Office (Folkeregisteret).
Therefore, the official (folkeregister) address determines whether the children can receive a sibling allowance, not whether the children spend an equal amount of time at each parent.
Cost for enrolment in another municipality
When your child is enrolled in a day care facility in another municipality, The City of Copenhagen will bill you for 12 months. If the day care facility has a payment-free month, e.g. July, you will still be charged for all 12 months. However, this will be recalculated so the payment corresponds to an 11-month charge.
Overview of childcare fees in other municipalities for citizens in the City of Copenhagen
Nyropsgade 7, 1st. Floor
Office opening hours
09:00 - 13:00
09:00 - 13:00
09:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 13:00
Phone opening hours
10:00 - 13:00
10:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 13:00
Is your child already enrolled in childcare service in the City of Copenhagen?
Then you can also write securely to Forælderbetaling by logging in to Digital Pladsanvisning, where we can respond to your enquiry faster.