Income-based subsidy

If the total household income is less than DKK 622.200 per year (before tax), you can apply for income-based subsidy and receive a reduced payment for your child's daycare services.

Income limits for the income-based subsidy 

  • DKK 200.300 or less before tax per year: Childcare is fully subsidised, which means that the cost is fully covered by the municipality.
  • DKK 200.300 to 622.199 before tax per year: Childcare is partly subsidised.
  • DKK 622.200 or more before tax per year: Parents must pay for the full cost of childcare.

The income limit is raised by DKK 7.000 for each additional child younger than 18 years living at home. The income limit is raised by DKK 70.089 for single parents.

Apply for income-based subsidy

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Notice that

Most applications for financial free space grants are immediately processed and granted automatically in the institution's system.

For applications that are not processed immediately, the processing time is up to 2 weeks.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

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Who can get income-based subsidy?

You can get an income-based subsidy, if your child attends a municipal daycare and the total household income is below DKK 622,200 before tax.

If your child does not have an address in the City of Copenhagen, you must apply for income-based subsidy in the municipality where your child has an address.

How much can I get in subsidy?

You can get an income-based subsidy if your child attends a municipal daycare and the total household income is below DKK 622.200 before tax.

In 2024, the income limits for income-based subsidies are: Household income up to and including DKK 200.300 before tax: full exemption. Household income between DKK 200.300 and DKK 622.199 before tax: partial exemption. Household income DKK 622.200 or more before tax: full parental payment. For each child living at home under the age of 18 - in addition to the first child living at home - the income limits are increased by DKK 7.000. For single parents, the income limits are increased by DKK 70.089.

Do I have to apply for income-based subsidy again, if my child changes institution?

No, the subsidy comes with the child, and you only have to apply for income-based subsidy again if there are changes in your family circumstances or your household income. 

Rules for income-based subsidy

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Change in income

The municipality receives automatic notifications from the Danish Tax Agency (SKAT) every month, if the income for you or your spouse/cohabitant changes. If the change has an impact on your income-based subsidy, your parental payment will be adjusted automatically for the month in question.


Your parental payment is continuously recalculated, both if your income rises or falls by at least five steps on the free space scale in relation to the income for which you have been granted income-based subsidy. The 5 steps correspond to a change in income of DKK 1,850 per month.


Annual readjustment

Your parental payment is continuously recalculated, both if your income rises or falls by at least five steps on the free space scale in relation to the income for which you have been granted free space. The 5 steps correspond to a change in income of DKK 1.850 per month.



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1602 København V

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- Vær opmærksom på at Forældrebetalingen er lukket fredag den 27. september på grund af kontorseminar.

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