Complaints guide – Danish Language Education

It is only possible to complain about your grade rating or circumstances in relation to your concluding exam.

Do you want to complain about your grade rating or circumstances in relation to your exam? Follow the steps in this guide:

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1. Firstly, you need to complain to the language centre headmaster

You have to direct your complaint to the headmaster of the language centre that conducted the exam. The complaint must be in writing.

You must complain no later than 4 weeks after the day of the exam.

The 4-week deadline applies whether you complain about your grade rating or circumstances in relation to your exam.

You are entitled to receive a copy of your grade rating and exam basis in relation to the oral exams at the language centre if you want to make a complaint. The copies are free.

2. After your complaint

You must forward your complaint to the headmaster of the language centre. Having received your complaint, the headmaster will request a statement from the examiner and the censor, reflecting on your points of complaint.

The examiner and the censor are obliged to comment on your complaint within a fortnight. 

You will have the opportunity to comment upon the examiner and censor statement.  You will have to respond to the statement within 7 days.

On the basis of the overall complaint material, the language centre headmaster decides, if the complaint is to be rejected or if you will be an offer of a new exam. The headmaster may also decide to forward your complaint to be decided by Styrelsen for International Rekruttering og Integration.

However, the headmaster will have to forward the complaint to Styrelsen for International Rekruttering og Integration if:

  • Significant flaws have been found in relation to the grade rating or circumstances in relation to exams,
  • Particular circumstances lead to reasonable doubt of the grade rating.

Styrelsen for international Rekruttering og Integration can either dismiss the complaint or offer a re-grading or a re-exam.

3. Option for appeal

If you are not satisfied with the headmaster decision, concerning your complaint, you have an option to appeal the decision to Styrelsen for International Rekruttering and Integration.

You have to appeal within 4 weeks of being informed of the headmaster decision.

Your appeal must be in writing and forwarded to the headmaster of the language centre who will comment upon your appeal. You will be given the opportunity to respond to the comments by the headmaster.

Styrelsen for International Rekruttering and Integration may reject your appeal or decide that a re-grading is necessary, or that you should be offered a re-exam.

Do you want to complain about the language education programme or other relations? This is how you do:

According to the act on Danish language education, it is only possible to complain about concluding exams.

However, the City of Copenhagen provides you with an option to complain about the teaching at the language centre or other relations of your Danish education programme. You must direct your complaint to Beskæftigelses- og Integrationsforvaltningen i Københavns Kommune.

For your information, the Municipality of Copenhagen is responsible for the compliance of the language education centre programmes with the act of Danish Education.  

You complain by writing to:

Ydelsesservice København


Att. Danskuddannelse

Postboks 210

1502 København V.

Write by using Digital Post (remember that you need your MitID).