Report a change of address

If you are moving to a new residential address in Copenhagen, you can report your new address here.

You can report a change of address from up to four weeks before and until five days after you have moved. If you report your change of address later than that, you will be fined DKK 1,000 (2024).

Families with children can report a change of address for everyone in their household all at the same time.

Moving to another municipality

If you are moving from Copenhagen to another municipality in Denmark, select the new municipality that you are moving to and report your change of address at (in Danish).

Report your change of address (in Danish) (

Report a change of address to or within Copenhagen

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Please note

Remember to change the name on your door/letter box as soon as you have moved in to make sure that your new heath insurance card can be delivered to you by mail.

If you do not have a MitID

If you do not have a MitID, you can book an appointment with Copenhagen Citizen Service to report your change of address.

Book an appointment with Citizen Service to report your change of address

What to bring

  • A valid form of personal identification such as a passport, driving licence, yellow health card, or the original copy of your name, baptism, birth, or personal data certificate (personattest).

    Get a personal data certificate (

  • A document proving your new residential address such as a tenancy agreement, co-op ownership document and occupancy agreement, deed, or a letter from your sub-landlord (Download the proof of residence template at the bottom of this page).

If you are unable to report a change of address

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Delegate authority to a relative/next of kin

If, due to impairment such as illness or disability, you are unable to report a change of address yourself, you can authorize a relative/next of kin to book and go to the appointment with Citizen Service on your behalf. Your appointed relative must bring the following documents to the appointment:

Book an appointment with Citizen Service on behalf of someone else

  • A written authorization to report a change of address on your behalf
  • A valid identification document for the person acting on your behalf such as a passport, driving license, yellow health card, or an original copy of name, baptism, birth, or personal data certificate (personattest)

    Get a personal data certificate (

  • A document proving your new residential address such as a tenancy agreement, co-op ownership documents and occupancy agreement, a deed, or a letter from your sub-landlord (Download the proof of residence template at the bottom of this page).

If your relative is unable to come in to Citizen Service, he/she can report the change of address via Digital Post, or by regular mail to Copenhagen Citizen Service, the Civil Registration Office (Folkeregistret), Nyropsgade 7, 1602 København V.

Report a change of address via Digital Post

The person acting on your behalf must also submit the written authorization authorizing him/her/they to report a change of address on your behalf as well as documentation for your new residential address such as a tenancy agreement, co-op ownership document and occupancy agreement, a deed, or a letter from your sub-landlord (Download the proof of residence template at the bottom of this page).

Your new health insurance card

Your new health insurance card (yellow health card) will be delivered by post and should arrive within three weeks of reporting the change of address.

If you do not receive your new health insurance card, it may be because your name is not on your letter box in which case PostNord, the national Danish postal service, is not allowed to deliver it. If this is the case, you will receive a letter from the Civil Registration Office (Folkeregistret) how to get your card.

If four weeks have passed and you still haven’t heard from us, you are welcome to call us at 33 66 33 66.

When you are moving, the health insurance card is free of charge.


Copenhagen Citizen Service

Phone opening hours


08:00 - 16:00


08:00 - 16:00


08:00 - 16:00


08:00 - 17:00


08:00 - 15:00