English language groups in public childcare
Three public childcare services in Copenhagen have groups in which the everyday language used is English:
Børnebyen Vandværket (Studiestræde 54 in Copenhagen K) offers 1 day-nursery group for infants and 1 kindergarten group.
Idrætsbørnehaven Bavnehøj (Bavnehøj Allé 40 in Copenhagen SV) offers 1 kindergarten group.
Topstykket (Julius Andersen Vej 2A, 2450 Copenhagen SV) offers 1 kindergarten group.
English may be the native language for some of the children while others are learning English as a second language. The daily activities and pedagogical framework of the English language groups are similar to the Danish childcare offers.
Admission - FAQ
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Who can apply?
The groups are intended for children in the age group between 0 and 6. To apply for a place in these groups:
- Both parents must be of non-Danish nationality
- Their municipality of residence must be Copenhagen
- At least one of the parents must be employed in Denmark on a temporary employment contract with an end date.
How to apply?
Log into Digital Pladsanvisning on this site. You can also download and fill in the application form and send it by secure mail (log in with MitID) to Pladsanvisningen.
You must attach documentation of your officially registered address as well as a temporary employment contract showing an end date. EU citizens must also attach a copy of their passport. Non-EU citizens must provide proof of work and residence permits.
You can expect to receive a clarification on whether or not your child is eligible for the waiting list no later than 2 weeks after Pladsanvisningen has received your application with all relevant documentation.
Facts about English language groups
Arrange a visit
You are welcome to visit our childcare services before you apply for a place. Please contact the childcare service directly to arrange a visit so they can set time aside to show you around the premises.
Børnebyen Vandværket has an English day nursery group of 12 children and an English kindergarten group of 22 children. Børnebyen Vandværket is a large childcare facility established in the heart of Copenhagen. It has room for 400 children aged 0 to 6 years old. Vandværket consists of 6 smaller houses – each with its own playground.
- Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 07.00 to 17.00
- Tours of the English section are available on the first Wednesday of each month. You can contact the pedagogical coordinator, Helena Lindehammer, at 37230@buf.kk.dk to make an appointment.
Idrætsinstitutionen Bavnehøj has an English language kindergarten group (12 children).
- Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 6:45 to 17.00
- You can contact the head of the institution, Mette Dunker, at 33663816 to arrange a visit.
Topstykket has an English language kindergarten group (22 children).
- Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 07.00 to 17.00
- To arrange a visit, you can contact Tina Alm at 29 31 02 78, Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 13.00.
Download application form
Nyropsgade 7, 1st floor
Office opening hours
09:00 - 13:00
09:00 - 13:00
09:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 13:00