Part-time childcare service during parental leave

For children from 6 months until the start of school. If your child is enrolled in a childcare service and one or both parents are on parental leave, you can apply for part-time childcare for 30 hours per week at the childcare service.

If one or both parents can document that you are on parental leave according to the rules in the Danish Parental Leave Act,  you are entitled to apply for part-time care in your child's daycare. A part-time place reduces the price of the childcare service.

Parents can take turns to take parental leave during the period applied for a part-time place. You can have up to 5 weeks of interrupted parental leave without the child losing the right to a part-time place.

The right to a part-time place is valid for one continuous period per child.

 You must send the application no later than two weeks before you wish to use the part-time place. 

Apply for part-time childcare during parental leave

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Important when you fill out the application form

You have to upload documentation:

  • If you have not given birth yet or have not entered into an agreement with your employer, you can send a copy of your maternity record with the due date.
  • If you have given birth and entered into an agreement on parental leave, you must send a copy of the agreement that you have with your employer (this agreement will typically be entered into no later than 8 weeks after the birth) or an overview from Udbetaling Danmark.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

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What is the cost of part-time childcare in connection with parental leave?

Part-time childcare for children under the age of 3 costs DKK 4,109 per month if the institution offers lunch.
If the institution does not have lunch, it costs DKK 3,397 per month.

Part-time care in daycare costs DKK 3,389 per month.

Part-time childcare for children over 3 costs DKK 2,772 per month if the institution offers lunch.

If the institution does not have lunch, it costs DKK 1,969 per month.

Can I have started work partially and still get a part-time place?

Yes, if you continue working partially, your child still has the right to a part-time place as long as one parent takes parental leave corresponding to 40% of the working time (e.g. 2 days a week or 16 hours in a 40-hour working week).

Do all municipal daycare services offer part-time childcare in connection with parentalleave?

Yes, all municipal daycare services offer part-time childcare.

What time of day is part-time childcare provided?

You can plan yourself when and how the hours are placed within the daycare's opening hours in collaboration with the daycare. The hours must be flexible in relation to the planned daily routine of the daycare. 

Please be aware that you are responsible for picking up and bringing your child yourself, e.g if your child is enrolled in a outlying kindergarten (udflytterbørnehave), and your 30 hours of childcare does not coincide with the departure and arrival times of the bus.

How do I apply for part-time childcare in another municipality or in a private institution?

If your child is enrolled in a daycare in another municipality or in a private institution, you must send your application for part-time childcare in connection with your parental leave to Pladsanvisningen in The City of Copenhagen. You must send the application no later than two months before you wish to use the part-time place.

The part-time place can come into effect on the 1st of a month and end on the last working day of the month in which the parents' right to absence expires.

The City of Copenhagen must notify the private institution and/or the other municipality about the decision on a subsidy for a part-time position 30 hours per week no later than one month before the change comes into force. This also applies in the event of interruption or termination of the part-time position.


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1602 København V

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