Combination place - flexible private childcare in combination with public childcare services

For children from 6 months until the start of school. If both parents have childcare needs beyond what a regular childcare service can offer, you can apply for a combination place.

A combination place is a mix of flexible private childcare and a public childcare service (day nursery, public childminding or kindergarten).

To be eligible for a combination place, both parents must document that they have a need for childcare beyond what can be offered by the public childcare service. This may be odd working hours.

Parents in Copenhagen may choose between three different combinations:

  • Flexible private childcare for 10 hours and a public childcare service for up to 40 hours per week.
  • Flexible private childcare for 20 hours and a public childcare service for up to 30 hours per week.
  • Flexible private childcare for 30 hours and a public childcare service for up to 20 hours per week.

Prices for combination places

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Combination: Flexible private childcare for 10 hours and a public childcare service for up to 40 hours per week

Flexible private childcare + day nursery

Subsidy DKK 2,224 + co-payment DKK 741 = DKK 2,965 in total payment for the private childminder*
Day nursery with lunch costs DKK 4,508/ without lunch DKK 3,796.

Flexible private childcare + public childminding

Subsidy DKK 2,224 + co-payment DKK 741 = DKK 2,965 in total payment for the private childminder*
Public childminding costs DKK 3,788.

Flexible private care + kindergarten

Subsidy DKK 1,275 + co-payment DKK 425 = DKK 1,700 in total payment for the private childminder*
Kindergarten with lunch costs DKK 3,004/without lunch DKK 2,201.

*The price for the flexible private childminder is not set by the municipality. It is instead negotiated directly between the flexible private childminder and the parents.

The size of subsidy is set by the municipality and depends on the number of hours, the co-payment and the child's age.

Combination: Flexible private childcare for 20 hours and a public childcare service for up to 30 hours per week.

Flexible private care + day nursery

Subsidy DKK 4,448 + co-payment DKK 1,483 = DKK 5,931 for the private childminder*.
Day nursery with lunch costs DKK 4,109/without lunch DKK 3,397.

Flexible private care + public childminding

Subsidy DKK 4,448 + co-payment 1,483 = DKK 5,931 for the private childminder*.
Public childminding costs DKK 3,389.

Flexible private care + kindergarten

Subsidy DKK 2,549 + co-payment DKK 850 = DKK 3,399 for the private childminder *
Kindergarten with lunch costs DKK 2,772 / without lunch DKK 1,969.

*The price for the flexible private childminder is not set by the municipality. It is instead negotiated directly between the flexible private childminder and the parents.

The size of subsidy is set by the municipality and depends on the number of hours, the co-payment and the child's age.

Combination: Flexible private childcare for 30 hours and a public childcare service for up to 20 hours per week.

Flexible private care + day nursery

Subsidy DKK 6,671 + co-payment DKK 2,224 = DKK 8,895 for the private childminder *.
Day nursery with lunch costs DKK 3,709 / without lunch costs DKK 2,997.

Flexible private care + public childminding

Subsidy DKK 6,671 + co-payment DKK 2,224= DKK 8,895 for the private childminder*.
Public childminding costs DKK 2,990.

Flexible private care + kindergarten

Subsidy DKK 3,824 + co-payment DKK 1,275 = DKK 5,099 for the private childminder*.
Kindergarten with lunch costs DKK 2,541/ without lunch DKK 1,738.

*The price for the flexible private childminder is not set by the municipality. It is instead negotiated directly between the flexible private childminder and the parents.

The size of subsidy is set by the municipality and depends on the number of hours, the co-payment and the child's age.

Application for a combination place

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How do I apply for a combination place?

You must contact Pladsanvisningen. They will assign a place in a nursery, daycare or kindergarten according to the current principles for assignment. 

You must then send documentation that both parents have a need for care that is beyond what your daycare can offer. The documentation can be copies of employment contracts and payslips from the last 3 months. The processing time is up to 2 weeks.

Once Pladsanvisningen has approved that you are entitled to use a combination place, you must find a flexible private childcare and enter into a contract. This must be approved by the City of Copenhagen to whom you must send a digital receipt to each month in order to get your subsidy through NemKonto. 



Nyropsgade 7, 1st floor

1602 København V

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