In case of emergencies Report a crime, a fire or an emergency If you witness a crime, a fire or an emergency situation, you can contact the police. Report to the authorities In case of emergencies If you witness a fire, a crime or an emergency, you should know whom to contact. Report to the City of Copenhagen You can report fraud, social issues, rat sightings and general issues to the City of Copenhagen. CPR, registration and documents Learn more about getting your CPR number, yellow health card, and other important documents. Housing Finding a place to live is key to obtaining a CPR number. Read about recycling and fundamental supplies as water, gas, heating and electricity. Healthcare Your yellow health card (sundhedskort) gives you access to the Danish healthcare system. Culture and leisure There are many opportunities to live an engaged, social and active life that balances cultural and leisure activities in Copenhagen. Online self-services As a resident in Copenhagen, you can use online self-services to order a MitID, receive Digital Post and much more. Childcare and school You have several options when it comes to childcare, schooling and after school care in Copenhagen. Learn Danish If you are 18, live in Denmark and have a CPR number, you are eligible for Danish courses offered by your local municipality. Report to the authorities Contact the right authorities if you want to report a crime, an emergency or other problems in the City of Copenhagen. Transport and parking Find out various ways you get around by public transport, biking or driving in Copenhagen.