Home care services

You can apply for home care to get help in your everyday tasks and maintain your independence.

You can only apply for home care if you live in your own home and require help or support in your everyday life or personal care. Home care services include practical help, food delivery, home nursing and temporary residential care. 

When you apply for home care services, a health visitor will come to your home and assess your overall need for support. For example, your health visitor will find out what you are able to do for yourself and the specific type of help you need.  

Fees for services

Home care is free of charge.

However, there are fees for services such as delivery of food, laundry and general household items as well as for food during temporary stays in residential institutions.

Apply for home care services

How and where to apply for home care services depends on your age. You apply by contacting one of the offices below.

Contact if you are below 65 years old

Indsatser til Borgere i Egen Bolig

Islands Brygge 37

2300 København S

Phone hours

Monday-Friday 10.00-14.00

Emergency number in need of home care

Evening/night and on weekends call 33 17 89 89.

Contact if you are 65 years old and above

Visitation for Sundhed og Omsorg

Krumtappen 2

2500 Valby

Phone opening hours


08:00 - 15:00


10:15 - 15:00


08:00 - 15:00


08:00 - 15:00


09:15 - 15:00