If you have been in Denmark less than 3 months

Both you and your child must have a civil registration number (CPR number) and an officially registered address in Copenhagen when you enroll your child for public childcare. Your choice of childcare will depend on the age of your child.

Enrolment procedure for newcomers

Contact the local area office closest to the district in which you live. You can find the address and contact information for your local area office listed in the table below. You must provide the following information when you contact the local area office:

  • Name of the child
  • CPR number
  • Address
  • Parents' contact information (email and/or telephone number)
  • Country of origin
  • The child's most fluent language

The coordinator at the local area office will guide you and make sure that your child receives the best individual offer of nursery/childminder or kindergarten.

If you are not yet living in Copenhagen, you can contact a local area office for advice and guidance regarding day nursery, public childminding, kindergarten, or schools. 


District E-mail Telephone
Amager omradeAmager@buf.kk.dk 33 66 74 00
Indre By/Østerbro iboe@buf.kk.dk 60 20 74 00
Nørrebro-Bispebjerg omradeNB@buf.kk.dk 33 17 50 81
Vanløse-Brønshøj bv@buf.kk.dk 33 17 59 33
Valby-Vesterbro-Kgs. Enghave vvk@buf.kk.dk 33 17 56 08