An Internationally-Connected Region

The City of Copenhagen is engaged in regional and international relations.

Through its international work, the City of Copenhagen wants to create value for its citizens and to fulfil the special responsibility that comes with being the country’s capital. The city wants to contribute positively to global developments and the realisation of the UN’s 17 global goals –especially with regard to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The international work takes its starting point in the city’s challenges and is a means of achieving industrial and political goals. In this work, Copenhagen will seek out and generally prioritise international cooperation aimed at creating sustainable, liveable cities that contribute positively to the global efforts to combat the climate crisis

You can read more about the City's international strategy in the pdf below.

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Copenhagen is an active player within the C40, a network of some of the world’s largest cities, which recognise the need for cities to take action and cooperate on reducing climate emissions.

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Eurocities is a network of major European cities, representing more than 120 million Europeans in 140 cities. The network cooperates with EU institutions to respond to issues that impact on the day-to-day lives of citizens. The political work aims at influencing European legislation in a way that allows cities to address strategic challenges such as climate, growth and employment at the local level in an effective and innovative way. Eurocities’ thematic forums, working groups, projects and events provide Copenhagen with opportunities to share knowledge, exchange experiences and develop innovative solutions together with other large member cities.   

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Greater Copenhagen

Copenhagen cooperates closely  with neighbouring regions and with the region of Skåne in Sweden  to address the increasing global competition in attracting business, tourists and talent. Under the common brand of ‘Greater Copenhagen’, the region offers great business opportunities, 11 universities, a well-educated workforce, strong infrastructure and world-class knowledge clusters. 

Read more about business opportunities in Copenhagen at Copenhagen Capacity.

Strategic Sector Cooperation

The City of Copenhagen has close cooperations with Beijing and Buenos Aires as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Strategic Sector Cooperation scheme.

The City of Copenhagen’s experts are working closely with the two cities on climate adaptation, energy optimisation, wastewater management and circular economy.

This involves sharing of the latest knowledge in areas where Copenhagen, and Danish companies, in a global perspective, have especially strong expertise with major importance for the climate. The experiences so far have also shown that Copenhagen can certainly learn things from both Beijing and Buenos Aires.

The Sustainable Development Goals

The City of Copenhagen has developed an action plan for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The action plan includes a mapping of the city's current contribution to the realization of the SDGs, as well as a plan for the municipality's continued strategic work.

Working with the SDGs can help identify where the municipality can take further action. The work must be done in dialogue with citizens, companies, and civil society.

Copenhagen strives to achieve the goals, through large parts of the political and administrative work, as well as abroad through networks, such as C40 and Eurocities.


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