Starting a private childcare institution

If you want to open a private childcare institution, you must submit an application to be approved as a private provider of a daycare service.

Application for the establishment of a private childcare institution

•    Purpose and articles of association
•    Board construction 
•    Opening hours 
•    Number of children 
•    Appointment of the responsible educational manager of the institution 
•    An operating permit

At the same time as you send the application, you must pay a deposit of DKK 30,000 and provide an operating guarantee corresponding to one month's operation of the institution in order to process your application.


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

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What are the requirements for the physical setting?

There is a requirement of 3 m2 per nursery child and 2 m2 per kindergarten child.

There is a requirement for an outdoor area/playground corresponding to at least the floor area of ​​the building, alternatively 10 m2 per child and specific requirements for hygiene.

The building requirements must be complied with and an operating permit approved by Center for Byggeri must be submitted.

What pedagogical quality requirements are set?

It is a requirement that the institution meets both the national and municipal objects clause for daycare, and meets the requirement to prepare educational curricula.

The main language must be Danish and the institution must support Danish values, contribute to and support children's understanding of democracy, as well as integration into and cohesion with Danish society. 

It is possible to apply for a dispensation from Danish as the main language to the languages ​​English, German or French, if this does not lead to integration problems.

What is the size of the subsidy?

The subsidy is granted per child who is admitted to the institution corresponding to the child's age. 

The subsidy consists of three parts; an operating subsidy, an administration subsidy and a building subsidy. The subsidy is paid monthly.

Rates 2025 (at min. 48 weekly opening hours and max. 7 closed days)

0-2 years per year
Operating subsidy: DKK 140,181
Building subsidy: DKK 22,0040
Administration subsidy: DKK 4,834
Total: DKK 167,055

3-5 years per year
Operating subisdy: DKK 79,700
Building subsidy : DKK 12,139
Administration subsidy: DKK 2,802
Total: DKK 94,641

The subsidy is paid monthly.

What does the size of the subsidy depend on?

In order to obtain full subsidy, the opening hours must be a minimum of 48 hours per week and must be open on all weekdays. 

The institution can plan any closing days, but the municipality changes the subsidy if the number of closing days exceeds 9 days a year. The institution must offer alternative childcare on closing days except 5 June and 24 December.



Nyropsgade 7, 1

1602 København V

Office opening hours


09:00 - 13:00


09:00 - 13:00


09:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 13:00

Phone opening hours


09:00 - 13:00


09:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 13:00