Get access to Aula in The City of Copenhagen
Aula is a digital platform which the majority of day care services in Copenhagen uses for communication between the day care service, after school and school and you as a parent.
It is of great importance to your child that you as a parent become actively involved in your child’s everyday life in day care.
Kindly note that you have access to Aula 30 days before your child's enrolment date where you can access and read messages from the institution before the child starts. If your child is enrolled in public childminding, you have access on the enrolment date.
Access Aula and apply for an alias or contact person in The City of Copenhagen
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How to access the Aula app
Log on the Aula app with MitID, Touch ID or face recognition.
- Go to App Store or Google Play on your mobile or tablet
- Download the blue App "Aula til forældre og elever"
- "Choose MitID and activate Touch ID or face recognition for easy access
- You will now be asked to accept different conditions and contact informations.
To be allowed to access Aula, you have to have custody of your child.
In case you do not have custody, you can find information on how to gain access below under: + Create a contact person for your child in Aula
Create an alias in Aula if you have Non-disclosure of name and address
When you and/or your child have Non-disclosure of name and address (Name and address protection) your initials will be shown in Aula. If you want your names to be shown in stead you can apply for an alias to be used in Aula.
When your child is enrolled in a day care service in The City of Copenhagen
Here you can give consent for the creation of the alias for you and your child.
If you have joint custody, both custody holders must fill in their own application form. You have to use MitID
Create an alias if you and/or your child have non-disclosure of name and address
When your child is in school in The City of Copenhagen
You have to contact your child's school directly as they can help you create an alias.
Create a contact person for your child in Aula
When your child is enrolled in a day care service in The City of Copenhagen
When you have custody of your child you are automatically in Aula, when your child is enrolled in a day care service, after school or school in The City of Copenhagen.
If you as co-parent with custody of your child is not in Aula, the parent with custody of the child must fill in the application form below. Then we can give you access as a contact person.
If you have joint custody both custody holders must fill in their own application form, in case you want to create a contact person e.g a grandparent.
Create a contact person for your child in Aula You have to use MitID
When your child is in school in The City of Copenhagen
You have to contact your child's school directly as they can help you create a contact person in Aula.
Get access to Aula if you are foster parent
In case you are a foster parent for a child in The City of Copenhagen and need access to Aula you have to contact your "Familieplejekonsulent", "netværkskonsulent" or social worker in the Social Services Administration.
Get access to Aula if you are a foreign diplomat posted in Denmark
To gain access to Aula you and your family have to be registered in the Civil Registration System (CPR) and have MitID.
Diplomats who are posted in Denmark can get help via Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, The Protocol Department.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark creates CPR-numbers for diplomats and their family, qualifies the registration of the relation conserning the child (Custody) and helps with MitID.
Get access to Aula when you live abroad
If you live abroad you can get access to Aula if you have a Civil Registration Number (CPR) and MitID.
You can still use your former CPR-number and MitID even though you have moved out of Denmark.
If you do not have a CPR-number, you cannot get access to Aula.
When your child is enrolled in a day care service in The City of Copenhagen
In case you experience issues with getting access to Aula, you have to contact Pladsanvisningen.
When your child is in school in The City of Copenhagen
In case you experience issues with getting access to Aula, you have to contact your childs school directly as they are the ones who can help you.
What is Aula?
Aula is the digital platform for all communication and useful information regarding your child's everyday life in public day care, school, after school or club.
It is a platform for communication between parents and staff, which the vast majority of day care services in Copenhagen uses.
Aula is a secure platform, were you can communicate between home, day care service or school.
In Aula you can e.g:
• Follow the daily activities of your child.
• Communicate with the employees and the other parents.
• Register arrival and pick up time, who will pick up the child, holidays and
other absences.
• Accept invitations to events and meetings.
If you have any questions regarding how to access Aula, you have to contact your child's day care service or school.