Cost of after school care

Here you can see the prices of after school care options for different age groups.

What does childcare cost per month?

Monthly rates per 1 January 2023 

Childminder for children younger than 3 years: DKK 3,573 including lunch

Childminder for children 3 years and older: DKK 2,762, including lunch, from the 1st of the month your child turns 3.

Nursery and kindergarten for children younger than 3*: DKK 3,673 without lunch and DKK 4,331 with lunch included.

Nursery and kindergarten for children 3 years and older*: DKK 2,020 without lunch, and DKK 2,762 including lunch, from the 1st of the month your child turns 3.

After school institution**: DKK 1,800

Special after school institution**: DKK 1,800

After school club**:  DKK 405

Special after school club**: DKK 405

Youth club (UngeVærk): DKK 0

Special youth club**: DKK 77

* Additional fees apply to overnight nursery/kindergarten and weekend childcare
** The month of July is payment-free


Weekend care at childcare institutions: Additional fee per day: Nursery DKK 172, Kindergarten DKK 131.

Overnight care at childcare institutions: Additional fee per month: DKK 391

Overnight rate at childcare institutions: Per night. Is charged in addition to the monthly additional fee for overnight care): DKK 103

Monthly maximum (upper limit on charges for the overnight care additional fee and the overnight rate per night): DKK 976

The rate for kindergarten in all public childcare will change on the 1st day of the month in which your child turns 3 years old.



Nyropsgade 7, 1st floor

1602 København V

Office opening hours


09:00 - 13:00


09:00 - 13:00


09:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 13:00

Phone opening hours


09:00 - 13:00


09:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 13:00
